Church from Josani (Budeşti)
The church was included on UNESCO’s World Heritage list in December 1999. This church was built in 1643 from oak in Maramures style, the expression of skill acquired over time in woodworking, expressing the community’s culture and tradition. Wearing patron Saint Nicoara (old name of St. Nicholas), the church is distinguished by the simplicity of lines and the harmony of colors in the paintings of icons on wood and glass, and the peculiarities of this building, surrounded by main tower 4 other smaller towers. Also, here are kept in 1717 after fighting the Tartars wearing chain mail and helmet of legendary outlaw Maramures “Pintea the Brave”.
Church from Budești – Susani
Bearing the same name – “St. Nicholas’ church in Susan was built in 1760. The building of this church on the site of an old one did. Proof of this are “royal doors”. The bell tower is equipped with an outdoor gazebo greatly expanded, with arcade side. Interior painting depicts scenes of great inspiration and beauty. It is noted Jesus on the cross, the Virgin Mary, the 12 apostles, Cross Road. Sesame and around the church is a “table of ancestors”. It consists of several pieces of stone, impressive size and weight, which certainly challenged the shifting them with rudimentary technique then, at settlement.
Church from Susani (Sârbi) „Sfânta Cuvioasă Parascheva”
It was all built of oak, around 1639, keeping the entrance portal as one of the most remarkable pieces of this kind in the country, translating the message portal through a Byzantine calendar. Sculpture portal provides a key to decipher the language in wood, lost for two centuries in the Romanian tradition to build. Most surprising archaic elements consist roof form inside this old and as it passes before the iconostasis.
Church from Sârbi – Josani
Josani wooden church in the Serb village, Maramures, was built of oak around 1685. It was founded by the noble Dunca family holidays, who ruled this village in the bottom of that era and was uninterrupted patron of the church by the end of the 18th century This means that the family cared Dunca de Sarbi endowed the church and maintained a priest in it for more than a hundred years.
At the top of the village, medieval city ranked Baloteşti and Camarzana, there’s oldest wooden church from 1639 known as the Serbs Susan Nemes founded in that part of the village. The church was built from massive oak beams, a thickness of more than half a meter, in the usual style of Maramures churches in the eighteenth century.
The „Sfinții Împărati Constantin și Elena” Monastery
The monastery is located in the woods of fir, is six kilometers from the village. Until you get to that magical place, breathtaking scenery in its path: around pine forests and crystal clear water springs. It’s an oasis of tranquility and silence charged atmosphere of comfort from the moment you step into that place where the phrase “come from heaven” becomes reality. Once, something came above being makes you hesitate to step on grass or to utter a simple word, because you feeling so perfect that order might fall apart. Construction of the monastery began in 1995, when the cornerstone was laid. The history of the cult is much older one. Local tradition says that the community there was a monastery in the early 1703 and since then the church threshold was passed even Confessor Saint Joseph, patron of Maramures and Satmar considered. The monastery Budeşti many people willing to come closer to God because they think that this place is impenetrable silence, their prayer will soon reach the throne of heaven. The patron or great festivals coming even over a thousand faithful. Pilgrims wishing to stay overnight here are accommodated in traditional guest house built.
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